Trying to find Rae Dunn? Need to know where to buy Rae Dunn? We have all of the answers for you! You may have seen these mugs all over Instagram, social media, and your favorite farmhouse decor blogs. There is actually more than just mugs, however! Lucky hunters can find plates, dishes, canisters, bowls, and much more. What stores sell Rae Dunn? Use our guide below to find the best places to stalk for your finds for your farm kitchen.

What is Rae Dunn?
Rae Dunn has been creating her designs in San Francisco, California since 1994. She finds inspiration from the Earth and simple shapes. Her work is simple and playful and she finds beauty in imperfection. Rae currently has an entire line with Magenta and they are sold in stores nationwide. Authentic pieces will have a Rae Dunn logo on the bottom. The most popular pieces are like the ones shown in this post with an imperfect surface and adorable font.
Where to Buy Rae Dunn
- On a good day, you can hunt down your pottery at a store. What stores sell Rae Dunn? Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and Home Goods. That is on a good day. As more people become infatuated with Rae Dunn, it is getting harder and harder to hunt down the pieces at your local stores. Try hitting these stores early in the morning in the middle of the week for the best possible chance. You may also ask the employees if they have any in the back that they haven’t put out yet. Heck, you never know!
- You can surf directly on the Magenta site but there doesn’t seem to be many pieces in the traditional Rae Dunn style. That is after all that we are all hunting!
- You can shop the widget below to snag a few pieces on Amazon! Search in the box below or click here to see all of the Rae Dunn pieces they have. You might even find a good deal.
- You can also try eBay but beware that some sellers will drive up the price. Be sure to shop around if you are going to try this option. Click here to see your options on eBay.
Rae Dunn on Amazon
Here are a few pieces to choose from on Amazon.
Now head out and try to snag your own Rae Dunn to get your own collection going!
How to Use Rae Dunn
The question may be….how would you NOT use it! You can use your Rae Dunn pottery as decor in your home or to serve up food and drinks at parties. You might even just display your collection in a hutch. Everyone needs at least one Rae Dunn mug in their life for coffee and tea. However you use your Rae Dunn, you are sure to love the look!
Now that you know where to buy Rae Dunn, what are you waiting for? There is some Rae Dunn pottery out there just waiting for you. Perhaps even a mug for both mom and dad. Good luck and happy hunting!
Now that you know what stores sell Rae Dunn, how will you be displaying your collection? Are you an avid lover or just starting your collection? Share with us in the comments! I only have a few pieces right now but my eyes are peeled for even more. I would love to find some plates and bowls.
Rae Dunn is now very overpriced and women who buy it and resell it for profit are standing at the door of every TJMaxx, Marshalls and Hone Goids store before the doors open EVERY morning not just a few days a week and after trying unsuccessfully to find a bowl for a granddaughter for her birthday in September at no less than 10 stores in 3 different states we were traveling in and hearing the same story from every sales associate in every store I asked if they had any I am of the mind that there are people in these stores who hoard the pieces in the back and only put them out after they inform the women who buy it all up if the day and time it will be put on the floor. Out of maybe 30 or 49 times I have asked if they had any in the back stock that had not been put out yet trying to find just one coffee mug or another piece I have only had one person who happened to be a store manager at my local store to go I. Back and come out with any and she was shocked there was any back there and said it must have been overlooked when the shelves were being restocked. Rae Dunn HAD a “store” on Etsy and when I went to her website way back in July there was a message om the page saying she was taking her “summer hiatus” and would be back at the end of summer. I checked again in November and it still said the same thing. I sent her a message asking her to stop the stores from selling more than a few pieces to each customer and of course she never answered so even with the few pieces I have that I do like I will not be buying Rae Dunn anymore and will boycott her products. It’s ridiculous to buy a coffee mug for $4.99 and put it on a sales site such as eBay or Mercari for $49 PLUS shipping that is more than the mug even cost.
Completely agree! I am buying just for myself and I saw a lady buy 6 Pour Pitchers the other day.. I would have loved to just have had one for myself! It sickens me that people are upcharging some 300+% of the price and don’t even offer free shipping! I get they may be stay at home moms and that is how they make cash but it’s highway robbery and totally unfair to those of us that would like it to have just for ourselves. Just like couponers that completely unload a shelf.. Seriously! You don’t need 20 boxes of that same cereal (unless you are donating it!) leave a few for those of us that want it to feed our own families!
It’s like that in every store I have been to the women that are buying and selling it are the rudest women I have ever seen the store in Hardin county had to stop putting it out before they opened and started putting it out a little at a time throughout the day because the 9 or so that waited for the doors to open caused so much trouble that they even was tripping people that tried to go in the isles they were blocking I stopped going until up in the day
Come to Nashville there are 3 infamous women huddling together an hour before TJ Maxx opens.The doors unlock and it’s the charging of the Bulls …literally.I heard from management that they know who they are.They scoop up everything and made a girl cry…They actually cornered her.They are nasty and very unfriendly….Karma ladies ….be kind and share.
They should be banned from the store!!
I agree. My granddaughter has asked for a coffe canister for her birthday. I got the same response when I asked at Marshall’s..People waiting at the doors when they get any in. How do they know when they get in? Ebay and Amazon and the Mercari site are asking ridiculous prices. Now I’m just disgusted and won’t be ever buying Rae Dunn products again.
I don’t understand why it is not carried in a normal store. If Rea Dunn is so popular and seems to be plentiful. You would think there would be like 16 foot planogram for it. Better yet, why can’t you buy it from a Rea Dunn .com store. Just confused!.
I believe she sold her product to th Maxx companies. The contract must have been a bitch. I am wanting the 4 th July collection so bad. It’s a nightmare.
I found some fourth fruit plates on sales for like $8 if you want me to grab them for ya! Headed to the store now. Lol
Magenta is the closest thing to a Rae Dunn store. They have quite a few items, not as discounted as TJMaxx, Marshalls, etc but consistent prices that are often lower than eBay.
There are also quite a few boutique stores that carry some of her products — West Haven ( and Curtis Creations are good. I’m sure a google search would turn up many more.
Yes I saw today . In Nj . Girl has in withguys at tj max & they wait for her . Cartons. I asked them & rudely ignorant . I think it is not fair . I think I would notified Rae Dunn . I saw the lady pulled dishes out of a customer arm . I am looking for Halloween Cannister .
I just want melamine plates any designer, darn. Wow! was not aware of this obsession with this brand. Now I will keep my eyes open.
What stores can I buy Rae Dunn products at
They are available exclusively at TJ Maxx and HomeGoods. Otherwise, you have to buy from other individuals!
I found them at a lakeside gift shop at Taco Tuesdays last summer in Texas. I must have gotten lucky because I just bought an entire set, eat, mix, sweets, ( jars/canisters with lids), pitcher with “pour”, two mugs that said “faith”, all for a housewarming/birthday gift, on the clearance, red tagged shelf in the back of the store at TJMaxx 50 miles north of SF whoot.
Yay you!
I decided to change my kitchen and went with matte black stoneware. And to my excitement when I found Rae Dunn in matte black. Great. I can get more pieces. But then I found out from a cashier at HomeGoods that these scalpers are buying it all up and reselling it. I have driven all around lower MI and northern IN only to find very few pieces in black. I wish there was some law about buying all of the Rae Dunn or any other similar item just for the purpose of reselling it.
This is not fair. These crazy women get to the stores at 7:30am with kids and everything. They are suburban housewifes trying to make a buck. There are people already filming them outside these stores, running in their ugly outfits; fllipflops and everything ; going into the stores; buying every item in the Artisan collection from Rae Dunn and reselling on ebay three times the price. Get a life ladies! Btw I just want a bowl!
Wow..I must be lucky. I bought a few of these mugs on a trip to Marshall’s to get something else. They were just hanging in the check out line. I had no idea all this craziness has been going on until I decided to start a collection. I was gifted a sugar canister and a coworker picked up a tea canister for my collection. I then found two bowls she wanted and picked those up for her. There were plenty to go around and a fun collection to have. We are not planning to resell. Would love to find birdhouses.
Hi, Tammie. I assume the company is focused on building up its brand and a sense of exclusivity. The demand is plentiful, more so than the supply. The question is whether the company will make an effort to scale their production at some point. Then, we will start to see the planograms and visual displays with dozens of mugs.
I agree with ya all ! Now if others would not buy it at those high prices that might help not feed the frenzy also.
I love the collections but will only stick to the ones I can find.