I have tried many, many methods and thought I would share what I have found to be the best way to clean baseboards. I can tell you that this small area….that one small ledge….is my nemesis. How do you clean them and keep them clean longer? I have the answer for you! And it is so simple that you probably have everything that you need on hand already!

Best Way To Clean Baseboards
- Brush
- Broom and dustpan
- Sponge or Magic Eraser
- Spray bottle with water
- Cotton swabs
- Dryer sheets

The Easy Way to Clean Baseboards
Start by brushing away any dirt from your baseboards. I used a small brush but you can use whatever tool works for you! One of those mini brooms would work just as well. Just try eliminating the dust from the area and that will help you to make this entire process quicker. Once you brush it away, be sure to use a broom and dustpan to get it out of your way completely. You don’t want that dust ending up back on your freshly cleaned baseboards.
Magic Eraser for Baseboards
Next, we need to get the area damp. I find a spray bottle with water works best for this task. Just spray down one small area at a time.
Use a sponge or magic erase to go over the wet area. I personally love the magic eraser because it allows me to wipe away any scuff marks while I am down there cleaning. I frankly am a magic eraser junkie however! And I really don’t know how I functioned with out them!
Yes my baseboards were DIRTY! Check out the magic eraser after going over this area. You can rinse the sponge or magic eraser as needed during the process. Keeping a bucket of water near by for this task will make the process a bit quicker.
The Best Tool to Clean Baseboards
So what about those pesky corners and hard to reach areas? I find that damp cotton swabs do the job really well! You can also try to use an old toothbrush. Anything small that will fit into all of those cracks and crevices.
How to Keep Baseboards Clean
Now for the secret you have all been waiting for! How do you keep those baseboards clean for longer? Allow the area to dry, then run a dryer sheet along the entire baseboard. This not only repels dirt and static but it will put a coating on the area so that dust, pet hair, and more just fall right off. Amazing right? Give it a try in your own home! You will not be disappointed!
What do you think of my tips and tricks for cleaning baseboards? Is this truly the best way to clean baseboards? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below. Perhaps you have some tips and tricks that you can teach me when it comes to this nightmarish task!
Need more ideas for cleaning? Try these links!
- Homemade Carpet Cleaning Solutions
- Cleaning Your Stove and Oven
- Quick Cleaning Hacks
- How to Clean a Glass Cooktop
- How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean
- Plus 20 More Cleaning Tips!
Want to see my favorite cleaning supplies and products?
I have gathered all of the products I love using around my home into one great section of my Amazon storefront. You can click here to shop! If you’re looking for just about anything to clean your home, I probably have an option that you will love!
As always, great tips Angie. Hard enuf to keep house decent living in rural area where wind blows dust/dirt a lot. Seems like Senior dog’s hair is all over everything no matter how often I clean, grrr, and Mr. who refuses to take his boots off when coming in. Says too much trouble, yeah, so is cleaning same place 20 times a day buddy.
When I decide can get down to clean base boards will certainly employ your tips. Make sense and if will save me work later worth extra steps. Then will somebody come help me up, please?
Phoney knees don’t like me being down on them.
Am very glad you shared these tips, have to be better way have been doing base boards for way too many years.
Enjoy rest of week.
Ha Jane! I wish someone would come help me do mine too!!
Hi JaneEllen
I’m guessing you’ve had a knee replacement. I’ve had both knees done and can’t kneel on them at all-feels like kneeling on shards of glass! One thing that sometimes works is putting a pillow down to kneel on. Hope this helps!
For years I have used a cushioned “boat seat” for my creaky knees!! The strap handles make it easy to hang on a hook or doorknob in my linen closet. The straps are also big enough to make it easy to put over my arm when I move room-to-room with my cleaning supplies. It holds it’s firmness enough to be an effective cushion yet is soft enough to help stop pain. The outside covering is a durable vinyl-like material that washes easily when necessary. I’ve also found this effective when doing gardening & other yard work.
Okay…this is all great, but I hear ya when it comes to physical limitations and time. My husband was immune suppressed for years and I had to keep a sterile home with a dog and a new born through 7 year old. I’d recommend after using a firm standing broom, vacuuming that up (you can even follow it up with the attachment on your vacuum that has the little brush) and then taking a regular “Quickie Mop” that you can buy at Walmart for about $9-12.00…squeezing it out really well after using a solution of vinegar and water (I add peppermint essential oil – 4 drops – to deter mice and it smells a lot better too) and running along the baseboards with that. You need to make sure you squeeze the mop out really well though. I run it back and forth, but as I had to do this so often, I didn’t need to spend a lot of time on it weekly. For the corners, I just bent over with a cloth and I’d use a Q tip as well with the same solution I mentioned above. Vinegar sterilizes and doesn’t have any harmful effects to kids/pets or anyone.
Great tip for essential oils and peppermint
Vinegar is a great cleaner, but it does not sterilize.
According to the David Suzuki Foundation (Internet) Acetic acid (a.k.a. white vinegar) can act as a disinfectant that can destroy some bacteria and viruses.
Jane, long time after your original comment, but I find that a little padding helps those knees during cleaning etc. put a blanket under them for a quick fix, but I use a foam board which was a kids swimming aid before and it really takes the ouch out of it !
Volleyball pull on knee pads help a ton. I like the kind with large area elastic around the back, same width a front. 6-8 inches wide. Cheaper version😊
Best thing to use so you are not on your knees….a rolling auto stool! If you shop around you can find under $30 and mine has a little shelf you can put your products, paper towels, etc. on. Good luck?
Dryer sheets – I’ll have to give it a try! Unfortunately, I can’t use Magic Erasers on our current baseboards because they are laminate and they mess up the paper. Keeping them clean is such a hassle! If I can get even a few extra days of cleaner from a dryer sheet, I have to give it a try.
What happens if you use a Magic Eraser on a laminate baseboard? I didn’t know about it.
I don’t have laminate baseboards so I am not sure. Do you have a scrap piece or maybe a piece that no one sees that you can test?
I appreciate that you got right to the info we all sought when clicking on your pin! So many clicks lead me to paragraphs (or pages!) of chatty blather and ad promotions – often with maddening pop-ups that lead me somewhere else i don’t even want to be. I don’t buy dryer sheets, so i can’t really use this particular tip, but I believe you that it works.
I have a hint for all you magic sponge lovers. I order them on line under melamine foam…..same thing….I paid $9 for 100 pcs….compared to the brand name price we all know.
Great tip!
What!!??!! I’m so excited about your little secret! 💃💃 Would you happen to remember the website you ordered them from? Assumming you liked the ones you ordered, Id rather go with a site someone has used and approved of the purchased items rather than possibly getting a sub par magic eraser! Thanks again and I cant wait to order and recieve mine! =)
I just like the name brand ones so Mr. Clean all the way for me!
WOW thanks!!!!
Thanks for the tip. We’re getting ready to sell out house, and will be doing A LOT of cleaning to get it ready. I would prefer to spend the money I would have spent on the brand name to do some up dating.
thank you for showing the best way to clean dashboard. whenever I open my window or door, a massive amount of dust comes with the wind. now I can be free from dust easily with your tips. hope, it will work.
I recently purchased a BaseBoard Buddy. Because of physical limitations I can’t kneel on the floor. I used to use the dryer sheets and they work great. Will let you know how my new tool works. Love Hometalk!!
I like to clean mine using foaming bathroom cleaner. Spray a light coat and wipe with a damp cloth. Usually no waiting is required, and the foam lifts dust from corners and hard to reach areas. This is especially effective in my bathroom for easily removing any hairspray residue. I also finish with a dryer sheet. It really helps!
Am I the only guy that cleans, ha just kidding.
never would have thought dryer sheets, cool.
A guy that cleans…..are you single????
I have heard that wax paper also works well.
so glad you posted this – today (as almost every day) is clean master bathroom and I’m going to try your method! our cats just LOVE to get into the tub after we shower and roll around and, yep!, the cat hair seems to be attracted to those baseboards! thanks for the tip – I, too, love those magic eraser sponges!
I have hard wood base boards. My house is 110 years old. I use Murphy’s oil to clean them after cleaning dust with my vacuums brush & a old tooth brush for the crevices. Haven’t tried dryer sheets afterward and will try it. Thanks for the idea!
You do realize that the magic eraser is like very fine sandpaper? It will eventually dull the finish on anything it’s used on.
It is seriously a lifesaver so I am okay with that.
Any suggestions for stained baseboards?
Sorry Debi! We have painted and always have!
Hi All I decided to leave a little dust ever since my sister reminded me from Dust we came and dust we will return so I may be cleaning up a friend or relative. So I talk to my dust when I do clean it up to say hello and good bye for the time being because I know they will return. LOL.
Love it!
I wonder if dryer sheets will help repel dust from wood blinds. Anyone try that?
Interesting! If you try it, let us know if it works!
You make it look effortless! Such a smart tip to clean baseboards. I usually just fill a bucket of hot water with Pinesol and then just wipe it with a cloth but I only do one room at a time and spread it out because it’s my least favorite thing to do! Betweencarpet cleaning, vacuuming, dusting, upholstery cleaning and more– I just feel like the list of things to do is endless!
Geez…could there be any more steps? I don’t know about anybody else but that is just too many steps for the miles of base boards in my place and I live in an apartment hahaha
What about wooden based boards. It isn’t safe to use the eraser on wood, any tips for wooden baseboards?
Hmmm…not sure since I have all painted!
Angie thanks a lot, great tips and so helpful!
Thanks for your tips . I knew about the dryer sheets . Unfortunately with pets mine wont clean with just water . And it is hard to get on your hands and knees to scrub .
Thanks for your tips . I knew about the dryer sheets . Unfortunately with pets mine wont clean with just water . And it is hard to get on your hands and knees to scrub .
Interesting! I have not had that experience and not had anyone say that. Perhaps brands do make a difference.
Suggestion for the knees is to use a rolling garden cart w place for products under the seat!