Let’s take a look at the basics of a brand story. What is it? Why should you share yours? What are the key elements? I have all of that and more in the post below. Brand stories are extremely helpful for craft businesses but any small business can benefit from this discussion.
Be sure to check out our best craft business marketing tips as well for more ideas on growing your handmade business!

We chatted with Jennifer Maker for over an hour on the topic of brand stories on the Crafting for Profit Live Podcast. You can click play to watch the episode below or read a summary of the discussion below!
What is a Brand Story?
A brand story is the heart and soul of your company, it’s what people see when they look at you. It summarizes your passions, how you got started, what makes you unique, and so much more.
In fact, having a brand story can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace. When you think about a brand story, consider why someone would want to buy from you instead of someone else.
Why Should You Share Your Brand Story?
Sharing your brand story can help you connect with your customers and even make more sales.
If you don’t share your brand story, it’s hard for people to really connect with you. As you share your brand story, people may find that your story aligns with their own passions and feelings. This can lead them to purchasing and supporting you versus someone else.
People want to know you and connect with you so create your story and share it often. Sometimes people remember the story more than a shop name or social media handle.
Craft your future by turning your passion into a paycheck! With more than 25 years experience and a DIY community of more than 1.5 million, Angie Holden and Cori George share handmade business strategies, craft business insights, and inspirational stories. Every other Monday, you’ll learn from experts how to use your crafts to financially support a creative life.
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What are the Key Elements of a Brand Story?
Let’s talk about a few key elements of a brand story.
1. Share Your Origin
How did you get started? It may be something like a job loss or illness or it may be a desire to work for yourself or to share something you’re passionate about. Sharing how your story began is a great way to set yourself apart.
2. What Do You Want People to Know About You?
Your brand story is a way to share what you want people to know about you. Do you want them to know about your family or your personal life? Decide what you feel comfortable sharing and then share within those boundaries.
3. Unique Selling Points
What makes you stand out? Be sure to include how you’re different than others who may be doing what you’re doing.
Jennifer shared that one of the things that makes her unique is how generous they are at JenniferMaker.com. Her community knows that about her because she shares that with her community.
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4. Core Values
Setting up your core values is an important part of your brand story. One of the things having specified core values does is help you find the right customers and can help repel the wrong customers.
When you’re starting, it can be tempting to take any paying order. Ensure you’re sticking to your core values to build the community you want.
5. Customer Connection
How do your products solve problems? It might seem silly but I promise crafting can solve problems. You may sell something that is the perfect gift a customer is looking for. That is filling a need and solving a problem for that customer.
Figure out how your product/business solves a problem and make sure your community is aware of how it can help.
6. Have a Future Vision
What’s next? Know what you want to do next and share that with your community. This is another way to connect and get them excited about seeing what you’re working toward.
How Much Do You Need to Share in Your Brand Story?
This is one of the things that I love about a brand story. You get to set the boundaries on what you want to share and where you want to share it.
You are also allowed to make adjustments as needed. If you begin doing one thing and it doesn’t feel right or authentic over time, you can make a change.
As you find things that connect you to your community sharing those things will help you stand out, especially against people who aren’t sharing their story at all.
Need Help Crafting Your Brand Story?
Struggling with where to start writing your brand story? I have a workbook that will help you with brand story basics and brainstorming. If you don’t know where to start or want some help, be sure to grab the workbook here!