What do you need in your Cricut starter kit? Well, I am here to break down the best tools for Cricut users. Do you have these 10 Cricut tools for your crafts? If you are a Cricut beginner, you may want to pick up these tools and even experienced Cricut users might find a surprising tool they didn’t even know about! Either way, be sure to keep these Cricut tools on hand for crafting at all times.

Cricut Starter Kit Video
Dive into the must-haves for your Cricut starter kit in the video below. Just click play to see the Cricut accessories that are a must for getting the most out of your machine.
Can’t watch the video or missed some of the information? You can also follow along below to see my 10 Cricut tools everyone needs!
10 Cricut Tools Everyone Needs
All of the tools that I am mentioning today are ones that I think are the top 10 Cricut tools everyone needs (based on my own crafting experience). So, depending on what type of crafter you are (paper crafter, sewist, etc.), you might find that you need all 10 or only 5. Either way, you can’t go wrong with having these tools in your craft stash!
Plus, as food for thought, these tools would make such a great gift for someone who just got their first Cricut machine!
1. Weeding Tools
Let’s start with number one. You’re definitely going to need some weeding tools, especially if you’re going to work with vinyl or HTV. The type of weeding tool that you want is totally dependent on the type of crafter you are. There are tons of different weeding tools on the market, none of which are better than any others. Just give a few of them a try, pick your favorite, and then run with it because I know you’re going to love it. I prefer a hookweeding tool, but there are pens on the market, too.
2. Tweezers
Along with weeding tools, you might want some tweezers. I don’t use tweezers a ton, but they are super helpful, especially for picking things up off of the mat, like fabric pieces once I’ve cut fabric. I would keep a pair of tweezers on hand. There are different types of tweezers, just like different types of weeding tools. I definitely like the type where you pinch to close. I have a set that has a really wide tip that I prefer, but you can also get the ones that have the skinny tip. My preference is to use the skinny tip more for weeding Infusible Ink and the wider tip for picking things up off the mat.
3. Brayer
Next up is the brayer. I use it to push materials down onto the mat. It extends the mat’s life. I use it literally every day. It is the number one tool that I recommend to new Cricut crafters. If you don’t have a brayer or haven’t used one yet, I think it will make a huge difference in your craft room. A brayer is really just a roller on a handle, so feel free to get any brand. I do use the Cricut version, and I love it.
4. Scraper
Next up is a scraper. I like a large scraper, but there are so many different ones on the market. I don’t think you can really go wrong, so it’s just your personal preference. There are all different kinds of scrapers, including big ones, small ones, and even felt-covered ones. I seriously cannot live without my scraper. You may think scrapers are only for vinyl crafts, but I use my scraper a ton for different things, even just cleaning my mat. A scraper is definitely a must-have for Cricut crafters.
5. Scoring Stylus
Next up is the scoring stylus. This might not be a must for every Cricut crafter, but if you do paper crafts and want to put fold lines on them, I would recommend the scoring stylus. It can be used on the Explore or the Maker series but doesn’t work on the Joy. On the Maker series, you can use the scoring wheel instead. It’s a personal preference. For me, I turn to the scoring stylus the most because I can put it in the A-clamp and then my blade in the B-clamp. By doing this, the machine doesn’t stop for me to change blades. If you’re doing paper crafts and fold lines, pick up the scoring stylus.
6. Spatula
The spatula is amazing for getting small pieces of paper and other debris off of your mat. You can scrape it off with the spatula. Definitely a must-have tool! A lot of times, it comes in a Cricut starter kit with some of these other tools.
7. Paper Trimmer
Next up is a paper trimmer. You put your paper inside, run the blade across, and it trims it to size. This is super convenient for cutting things to size for the mat. If you have the Explore 3 or the Maker 3, do yourself a favor and get a paper trimmer that goes to 13 inches for Smart Materials. This will save you so much time and effort in cutting those materials straight. For other machines, you can get a trimmer that goes to 12 inches. It makes cutting your material to size much easier and getting those straight cuts so it goes straight on the mat.
8. Craft Knife
After the paper trimmer is a craft knife. This is just a blade that is used to cut things – I do understand that. However, it is so helpful in your craft room. You can cut materials to size to put on the mat. You can cut around materials when they’re on the mat to get rid of all of that area around the outside that you want to save for other projects. I also use it on thicker materials to finish the cuts. For example, if I’m cutting wood with a Maker and it leaves little pieces in the corners, I can use my craft knife to finish those cuts. Along with the craft knife, I like to keep a self-healing mat so that I can protect my work surface. You can use a ton of other things for that purpose, so it’s not really a must, but I like to keep a self-healing mat and a craft knife on hand at all times.
9. Scissors
This is pretty basic, but a good pair of scissors will take you so far. I can’t leave those off of the list. Just do yourself a favor and keep a really good pair of scissors in your craft room. If you’re working with fabric, I would get a pair of fabric scissors just for fabric. I have so many pairs of scissors, which is also the number one tool I lose. I like to keep plenty in my craft room to have some handy at all times to grab.
10. Lightbox
Finally, my last tool is a lightbox. It’s not required, but if you’re using glitter HTV or glitter vinyl, you might find that it is required. The cut lines on those are so hard to see, and a lightbox makes that so much easier. If you’re thinking about upgrading your crafting, or if you’re just having a ton of trouble seeing the cut lines on your project, consider a lightbox for your Cricut crafting. I think you’ll find it so helpful. You can even see my comparison of different brands here.
So, do you have all of these tools in your Cricut starter kit? What are you waiting for? Head out and grab these essentials and get started Cricut crafting today. You will be so glad you did!
Cricut Starter Kit Recap
I know I just threw a ton of information at you about tools you should have in your Cricut starter kit. So, below are the 3 most important things to take away from this post.
- 10 Cricut Tools Everyone Needs:
- I love using Cricut’s tools, but you can find most of these tools in other brands as well.
- All of these tools would make such a great gift for someone who just got their first Cricut machine! You can find most of these tools in the Cricut Essentials Tool Kit.
5 Cricut Crafts
Since you now have all your tools in your Cricut starter kit, are you ready to use them? Check out the fun projects below that will put all those tools to good use!
- Cricut Banner: Easy Paper Banner for Beginners
- Cricut Labels: 3 Ways to Make Them
- Large Paper Flowers: Template + Tips and Tricks to Make It Easy
- Your Guide to Glass Etching with a Cricut
- DIY Boredom Jar with Free Printables