Are you having an ant problem in your home? Learn how to get rid of ants in the house naturally with these simple tips and tricks!
Not too long ago, I noticed an ant crawling around my kitchen floor. And where there’s one ant, I know there are bound to be many more.
That’s why I take action as soon as I see any ants inside the house. The faster you jump on getting rid of them, the easier (and more effective) your efforts will be.
As the weather changes, you may find your home invaded by the little critters with nowhere to turn. But don’t panic! Just follow our guide below for all-natural solutions you probably already have at hand! These ideas will help you deal with an infestation plus keep them out of your home in the future.
Are you ready to learn how to get rid of ants in the house naturally?

How to Get Rid of Ants in the House Naturally
There’s no need to use chemicals to eliminate ants from your home! If you want a chemical-free DIY solution to your ant problem, here’s everything you need to know.
Supplies Needed:
Here’s what you’ll need to gather (depending on the method you use below):
- Borax
- Sugar
- Boiling Water
- Dish Soap
- Salt
- Apple Cider Vinegar
How to Get Rid of Ants in the House Instructions
Believe it or not, using DIY solutions is super simple – just follow these options. The key is to stay consistent with your plan for a little time to ensure those ants stay out of the house!
Method 1: Eliminate the Infestation with Borax
Kill any ants that have found their way into your home with Borax. It is a great natural solution that is effective and inexpensive.
You will need to follow this recipe to mix the Borax with sugar. Ants need the sugar to attract them to the bait, and they take the Borax with them back to the nest to kill more of the colony.
Safety Note: Be sure to keep this mixture out of the reach of pets and children because it is harmful if swallowed.
Method 2: Use Salt or Dish Soap
I highly recommend (if possible) following the ants back to their nest and getting rid of the problem at the source.
Destroy ants in their home by pouring a gallon of boiling water mixed with ¼ cup of dish liquid directly onto the nest to destroy the colony.
Note: You can also try mixing the water with salt instead of soap to make a strong salt solution that you pour directly onto the nest.
Method 3: Apple Cider Vinegar
If neither of the first two methods works, try pouring apple cider vinegar directly onto the nest area without diluting it.
Pro Tip: Try these methods several times over a few days to get the entire colony. Remember to stay consistent and reapply your chosen method to eliminate those ants.
Important: These methods will also kill the grass on the nest and the surrounding area, so don’t be surprised when it dies. If you prefer to keep your grass pristine, choose another method!
If you have questions about using a natural way to get rid of ants, I have answers for you! Please leave your question for me in the comments if you don’t see it answered below already.
How do I get rid of ants in my house?
Now that you have killed those ants that are invading your home, you’ll want to take measures to make your home look less attractive to them. You will need to keep surfaces and floors clean and dry foods in airtight containers. Be sure to empty the garbage regularly and clean any items before placing them in a recycling bin.
Do these measures in addition to the home remedies for ants that I shared above.
Where do I use this home remedy for ants?
In order to be most effective, you’ll want to place the sugar and Borax solution where you saw the ants walking. That way, you know they’ll find it and take it back to kill off the entire colony.
Can I use this homemade ant killer outside?
Yes! You can use this home remedy on your driveway, walkway, or even in your garden if you see evidence of ants near your house. Remember that all of these homemade ant killer methods will kill your vegetation as well as your ants, so place it carefully.
What is the best homemade ant repellant?
There are several natural repellents that you can try in and around your home to get rid of ants naturally. Try spreading one or more of these solutions around windows, doors, holes, baseboards, and more:
- Cinnamon
- Ground black pepper
- Bay leaves
- Whole cloves
- Red chili powder
- Red pepper flakes
- Salt
- Sage
Do essential oils stop ants from coming into the house?
Essential oils can work wonders to deter ants from entering your home. Try swabbing peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus around any entrance points. You can also mix up a peppermint ant deterrent spray. This is an effective way to keep those ants outdoors where they belong.
While you’re at it, check out our guide to buying essential oils one at a time (and at a great price).
These easy homemade ant killers can eliminate ants naturally in and around your home. Try one or more of these ideas for getting rid of the pests and keeping them out of your home for good!
More DIY Natural Insect Fighters
If you loved learning how to get rid of ants in the house naturally, check out these other chemical-free solutions, too!
- Natural Mosquito Repellent Plants
- Make Mosquito Repellent Candles
- Essential Oil Mosquito Repellent Recipe
- Natural Fly Repellent – ideas for your home!
- Mason Jar Fruit Fly Trap
- Make a Carpenter Bee Trap
Want to see my favorite cleaning supplies and products?
I have gathered all of the products I love using around my home into one great section of my Amazon storefront. You can click here to shop! If you’re looking for just about anything to clean your home, I probably have an option that you will love!
- Borax
- Boiling water
- Sugar
- Dish soap
- Salt
- Apple cider vinegar
Method 1: Borax Method
- Mix 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, and 1 Tbsp Borax in a jar or small bowl.
- Place this mixture anywhere you have seen ants. If you have wood floors, use a shallow lid instead of putting the mixture directly on the floor.
- SAFETY NOTE: Keep this mixture out of reach from children and pets.
Method 2: Dish Soap (or Salt) Method
- Pour a gallon of boiling water mixed with ¼ cup of dish liquid directly onto the nest to destroy the colony.
- NOTE: You can mix salt into the water instead of dish soap.
Method 3: Apple Cider Vinegar Method
- Pour apple cider vinegar (without diluting it) directly onto the nest area to kill the colony.