I then used a pencil on the back of my globe piece. We are making our own tracing paper the old fashioned way.

Rub your pencil along the entire thing….

Then wrap the paper around the ornament and secure with tape.

I do want to show y’all that mine did not go on perfectly. But really it is good enough. I don’t think anyone will pull this off of your tree to analyze the size of your continents.

Trace around each continent, island, etc with a pencil pushing hard. Remove your template and you will have faint lines on your ornament. I then used a metallic paint pen to color in everything.
Then break out your glitter and Mod Podge. Paint each colored area with Mod Podge and pour on the glitter.
Allow to dry then coat your entire project in Mod Podge to keep the glitter in place.
Allow to dry and you have a completed globe all ready for hanging on your tree this Christmas season. I love this ornament and can’t wait to get it up on the tree. I hope y’all enjoyed and will make one of your very own this holiday season.
She’s got the whole world in her hands…!
An ornamental way of having the global asset. Loved this globe ornament.
Great idea! Those metallic paint pens are so awesome aren’t they. http://onecreativeprocrastinatinggal.blogspot.com/
Love your blog and this project – so creative and fun and it just turned out SOOO well! Just wanted to let you know I featured it in my roundup of glass ornament crafts here. Feel free to check it out if you want and hope you like it! : )
-Mel the Crafty Scientist
Hi! Found you thru Pinterest when I was looking for a DIY way of doing the same thing. Fantastic job! What I want to do with mine, once I trace the map, is pledge with glitter/paint in the inside and gold leaf the map. Any way you can send me the file of the map you used? Thanks!
Sorry Vanessa! I don’t have it any longer!