Did you know that you can kill weeds not flowers? One little product works this magic and your life is about to be changed for good. If you hate weeding flower beds, this is the post for you! A few weeks ago, I told you all about a great product I was going to give a go from Spectracide. Well, I am here with an update. A fantastic, amazing, you are going to love it update. Let’s kill weeds and NOT flowers!

What kills weeds but not plants?
I picked up the Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer shown below. You can usually find this product at your local home improvement store but you can also order online. Just be sure to look for the “use in flower beds” right on the front label.
Yep, you can use that in your flower beds. HOW?? (You might scream.) Well, the product only works on what you spray it ON and does not get into the ground. This particular bottle also requires a sprayer as it needs to be mixed with water.
You can also give the ready to spray version a try if you do not want to mix your own. I tried out both actually and had great results both ways.
You can actually see a wide selection of products and pick them up from Amazon in the widget below. Just be sure to look for that “safe in flower beds” labeling!
How to Kill Weeds in Flower Beds
Next, you are going to need your supplies. Mine included the hose because if you accidentally get the product on any of your precious flowers, you want to be sure to wash it off immediately with water. I also had a box so I could cover any flowers that were really close to weeds. A few rags will be handy as well especially if your sprayer drips a bit.
Are you all patiently waiting for some before and after pictures? For the major before pictures, you need to go back to my first post where I screamed for landscape help. But Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer came to my rescue y’all. Now my before and after looks a little like his.
That weed didn’t last 24 hours after being sprayed and yes it is right next to healthy thriving flowers. I went around my entire flower bed happily spraying weeds and then watching them fade away over the next couple of days. Want some more proof? Let’s look at a time-lapse this time.
Yep, I even used the product along the cracks in my sidewalk. I was extremely pleased with how everything looked after a few days. I had a flower bed that I could actually work in and make gorgeous. Now that is progress! Plus the weeds are dead down to the root so I don’t have to worry about those coming back.
How to Kill Weeds Not Flowers
I am one happy camper now that I know how to kill weeds not flowers. This product makes my life so much easier. And my landscaping might actually stay cleaner this year.
Y’all stay tuned as I take this flower bed to gorgeous over the next few weeks with the help of Spectracide Weed and Grass Killer. Plus this time it will stay gorgeous all summer long thanks to the extended action of the weed killer and the fact that I can apply the product throughout the season. My curb appeal is coming right along so don’t miss the big reveal.
I am going to go get some and try it. Cross your fingers for me!
great gardening tip!
Need some of this for my backyard! Seeing weeds starting to pop up!
I use it on my gravel driveway and it works great.
Couple times of using baking soda through the summer will do the same thing and NOT leech into the water.
What are the active ingredients listed on the container? I doubt I can get this in Australia but the ingredients list will help to possibly identify a similar product. Thanks!
You can probably google this product and check out the active ingredients. GOOD LUCK!
It kills bees
woah!!!! the box idea is freakin great!!!!!! I have pets so I use a homemade remedy for removal of weeds and it works great! its 1/2 gallon water 2 big squirts of orginal dawn and 3 cups bleach… for best results use on a warm sunny day with little wind.. I sadly say have lost many a plant trying to kill weeds in the flower bed.. either the breeze blows it onto the flowers or the sprayer drips.. so the idea of the box is AMAZING!! Thank you!
Use a plastic 1/2 gallon milk jug with the bottom cut off. Untwist the lid and spray weed killer into the jug from the bottom and while holding the handle you can direct the jug opening where you want the weed killer to go. Prevents over spraying onto plants.
That is brilliant!!
Will try this for sure, great idea!!!!
useless! time spent covering flowers is excessive easier/quicker to pull the weeds
The product information says “This product is a non-selective herbicide that will kill any vegetation contacted”, so it CANNOT be used in a garden or it will kill desirable plants.
It has to contact whatever it kills. So you only put on the weeds. It can be used in a garden or a flower bed.
Ive tried this home made weed killer and it does work. Does any body have a home made harmless remedy for killing beetles and aphids on plants you want to keep?
Use powdered laundry soap mixed with water. If you can find a bottle and connect to your hose works great. They will be gone!!😀
I’ve had success stopping aphids on my Honeysuckle by planting a Parsley plant under it. On my Daikon Radish, I just threw the infested plant in the yard waste–the other plants were aphid free. For Weeds like Buttercup, I’ve sprayed with vinegar. Household vinegar is 3%; at the garden store they sell 60% and 90% vinegar that will kill anything. We have Cottontails so I don’t want poisons. I also don’t want to harm the biodiversity in the soil or contaminate the ground water.
I meant Ive tried Spsctrucide and home made weed killers that are supposed to be kinder to the environment. They all work.
I give up! The computer keeps changing my words
I have not found a harmless remedy for killing bugs! Sorry!
will it hurt honey bees
Not sure! You would probably need to check the label.
Wondering if these remedy’s (both commercial & homemade will change the ph of the garden soil.
I have not tested the pH so I am unsure.
Have an invasive grass called bamboo grass that grows up in between and around all my existing flowers. Is there something I can do about that
I have not tried this product on that specifically but I am sure it will work. It works on other grasses.
Would I still have to use landscaping tarp if I used this in my flower beds?
Maybe or maybe not? I use both but you can probably get by with just one.
This absolutely gets into the ground. It’s goes through the plants.