If you missed my first installment in this series, check out ways to decorate your country home with rustic wood. Now it is time for installment number two. Ready to learn how to decorate your country home with rustic metal? Yep me too!

One of my favorite rustic touches in any country home is rustic metal. Just a touch of rustic metal in a room can bring the barn inside your home. The use of wire baskets, galvanized buckets, cast iron, and pipe can all be gorgeous yet rustic. Learn how to make your own industrial shelving with pipe using this tutorial. Bonus points for using even more rustic metal to decorate the shelves.

Also stop by and see my tips for using vintage items in your country home.
Lots of great pics and info on the rusty metal. Thanks for sharing the sources!
I wish I had your skill – if I put something old and rusty in my house it wouldn’t look stylish and chic, it would just look old and rusty…
Wow, thanks for the inspiration! Especially love the magnet board for kids.