How to Paint Stones to Look Like Mushrooms

Once you learn how to paint stones to look like mushrooms, you will be obsessed with adding these all over your garden. Cute mushroom rocks that will be the perfect addition to a flower bed or even potted plants.

Supplies Needed:

– Rocks that will fit together well – Craft paint in red and white – Adhesive – Paintbrushes – Round sponge pouncer brush


Start by painting your rocks with the craft paint. You will need one white and one red rock for each mushroom. This may take 2 to 3 coats of paint. Be sure to allow to dry in between coats.

Once dry, add the dots to the top of each red rock. A round pouncer brush makes this easy.

Allow the dots to dry completely then glue the rocks together. I used Beacon Power-Tac and it worked great!

You will need to support the rocks in some way while the adhesive cures.

Once the adhesive is set, you are ready to add these mushroom rocks to your garden!

You can even let the kids help with this one. It is the perfect way to keep them busy during those long summer days.